Friday, January 23, 2009

Pan's Labyrinth and Late Night Thoughts

Pan's Labyrinth sucks. It's such a great movie, hence why it sucks.

I'm sitting here crying my eyes out at the very ending of this movie and this is now the second time I've seen it and the second time I've cried my eyes out. I guess it all depends on how you look at it. Are you going to see it as a fantasy movie, and you're thus excited for Ofelia in the end? Or do you see it as a historical fiction movie- and see that Ofelia was always living in a fantasy world, even to the day she died... I guess it has a lot to do with your own heart and the things you, yourself have been through to help dictate why you see it which way you see it. I can't help but see it the latter. Each time. Her life was so hard she chose to live in a fantasy world to get through the depression of it. I've been there before.

But for the first time, tonight, I saw it as a spiritual thing (go figure, my heart has grown more sensitive lately to the spiritual). I mean, HELLO?! A princess? Her final task was to shed her own blood instead of the blood of an innocent? Her father is a King? She finally got to sit at his side in their kingdom?

Anyhow, I don't know why I wrote this, just getting my random thoughts off my sleepy mind. Bye.

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