Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"31 Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless, for he will get nothing in return."

This is a devotional on one verse today but it's exactly what I needed to hear. God is putting me in check with this one verse. Let me explain.

I filed my taxes 10 days ago. AND LET ME TELL YOU- I was excited because I was supposed to be receiving back $876 dollars. WOW! My hard work from last year paying off to help me out this year! Just what I needed, Lord!

Then I get an email today saying there was an error in my taxes and I had to correct it. Last year I received the "stimulus check" for $600, as did everyone in the US. Remember that?? Yeah. Well. The error in my taxes was that I was supposed to mention that check this year when filing my taxes. When I went into turbo tax and edited the information, it dropped my return down by $300. WHAT THE HECK?!

I looked into WHY it was doing this and it said "Basically, we have to take it out of this year's taxes because we, the government are taking back our decision to bless you with that money because we, the government are scared of the economy right now so we're taking back the gift we gave you so we can have more money and you can't." That's how I interpreted it, anyway.

Now, I had the opportunity to get angry, frustrated, yell and stomp my feet, whatever. But God put me in check:

31 Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless, for he will get nothing in return.

Thank you for putting me in check. May I always remember that YOU are my economy. My trust is not in money or what I can receive, but my trust is in you. I will chose not to worry about it. YOU are my blessing. YOU are my prosperity. Thank you for nipping this in the bud for me right off the bat. I love you. I trust you.



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